Get to Know Us.

Natural Science, LLC was founded in 2014 by a team of scientists and engineers with a mission to solve environmental problems with solutions that are environmentally friendly, outstrip current solutions in terms of efficiency, leverage aspects of the problem itself, and use natural, environmentally safe materials. We believe our approach will deliver environmentally sound solutions that are game changers for our planet, and that is our commitment. The company’s first products--E-MOP™ Oil Spill Remediation Technology and MAT™ Magnetizable Absorbent Technology—meet our goals as a company, and we look forward to bringing these to bear on the devastating environmental threats to our land and waters caused by toxic spills.
The Natural Science story began in 2010 as physicist and Natural Science co-founder Arden Warner watched coverage of the devastating Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Troubled by the images of millions of gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf–as it did for three solid months—Arden pondered whether magnetizing the oil might hold the key to remediating the problem. He began conducting experiments in his garage to see if he could magnetize engine oil with shavings from a shovel and then move it with a magnet. In fact, he could—and that was the beginning of a series of explorations that led him to conceptualize a solution that will revolutionize the way oil spills are managed today, the E-MOP™ Oil Spill Remediation Technology and its sister technology, MAT™ Magnetic Absorbent Technology.
Natural Science has designed and developed its products to effect change by invoking a new paradigm in remediation technology – electromagnetic remediation—which utilizes natural forces and mimics nature in its applications while minimizing or eliminating further environmental damage. Our technologies are independently tested and verified independently at Ohmsett, the National Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility.
The company holds multiple patents and has additional patents pending on its technologies.